A young family’s bright future begins with a great nurse

Be a part of it

Face it, for first-time mothers, the sight of a nurse on the doorstep after a sleepless night with a newborn is like a small miracle. As a personal nurse in the Nurse-Family Partnership program, you will form trusting relationships with young, at-risk mothers to help ease them through the emotional, social and physical challenges of becoming parents.

From the moment you meet a first-time mom, a remarkable transformation begins. Your advice and guidance will empower young mothers to have healthy pregnancies and to care for their babies with confidence. You will have the extraordinary opportunity to see the difference you can make as you help a young woman navigate the stresses of becoming a mom.

As a Nurse-Family Partnership nurse, you will meet with first-time moms through their pregnancies and until their children are 2 years old, developing enduring relationships. Your support will help them take control of their lives, nurture healthy children and build strong families.


Stories from Nurses

Voices of Empowerment: 25 Years of NFP in Pennsylvania

Twenty-five years ago, Barb Werner, MSN, RN, noticed a new job posting that she was interested in. “It was back at the time when you…

Adam’s Story

While most Nurse-Family Partnership nurses identify as female, local network partner organizations do employ a handful of male nurses to deliver preventative health services, trusted…

Nurses Kristy and Catherine’s Story

Oklahoma families are celebrating October 2022 as it marks the 25th anniversary of Nurse-Family Partnership® in the state. Oklahoma’s Nurse-Family Partnership – also known as…

Magalie’s Story

In June, the National Service Office (NSO) for Nurse-Family Partnership ® and Child First hosted our largest Policy and Advocacy Summit in Washington D.C. to…

TeQuiera’s Story

SUPPORTING BLACK MATERNAL MENTAL HEALTH Nurse-Family Partnership (NFP) nurse TeQuiera will tell anyone within earshot that she has the best job in the world. She…

Nurse Joy’s Story

Nurse Joy offers much more than health care, education and guidance to the moms at Nurse-Family Partnership ® (NFP) at the Southern Nevada Health District in…

THE ANTIDOTE – Nurse Maria’s Story

THE ANTIDOTE – Nurse Maria’s Story Nurse-Family Partnership nurse Maria Cody is featured in a short documentary film that amplifies the power of kindness and…

Nurse Maria’s Story

TENACIOUS SUPPORT DURING THE COVID-19 PANDEMIC Say what you will about New Yorkers, they understand COVID-19. Nobody dares try to convince them it’s a hoax.…

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