Nurse-Family Partnership was first implemented in South Dakota in 2000. The program was expanded in 2012 to address infant mortality, specifically among tribal populations. The South Dakota Department of Health supports the NFP program through nursing teams in public health centers throughout the state and through the Children’s Home Society in Sioux Falls.

Over 40 years of evidence show the measurable, long-lasting difference Nurse-Family Partnership makes in the lives of moms and their children. Meet NFP moms and nurses in our video.


Brooke was apprehensive about this whole home-visit thing. A couple of people had suggested that she contact Nurse-Family Partnership® for support, but she hesitated. She finally made the call to Fargo Cass Nurse-Family Partnership when she was 27-weeks pregnant with her twins.


Click here to learn more about bringing Nurse-Family Partnership to your community.

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