Infant mortality, teen pregnancy and smoking: all threats to young lives in Alabama.
Nurse-Family Partnership began serving young families as an Alabama charity in 2008, in partnership with The Gift of Life Foundation in Montgomery. But the need is great, and statewide. Alabama’s infant mortality rate is the second highest in the United States and is similar to rates found in Third World countries. Combine the risks of teen pregnancy and smoking during pregnancy, and Alabama is facing difficult challenges that Nurse-Family Partnership is helping to address.
Over 40 years of evidence show the measurable, long-lasting difference Nurse-Family Partnership makes in the lives of moms and their children. Meet NFP moms and nurses in our video.
Kathy (right) has taught Kayla (left) about her daughter Sidney’s (center) health and development.
As a U.S. Navy corpsman, Kayla worked in the labor and delivery section of a hospital, watching as new mothers wrapped their arms around their newborn babies and beamed with joy.