While attending John Hopkins University, David Olds worked as a daycare teacher. He realized that the four-year-olds were getting “too little, too late” in daycare. “We need to start, intervene, earlier.”


Dr. David Olds began his research. The first randomized control trial in Elmira, NY with over 400 moms participating.


Second randomized control trial began in Memphis, TN with over 1,100 moms participating.


Third trial began in Denver, CO with over 700 moms participating.


Children of the first Nurse-Family Partnership participants began to graduate high school.


National Service Office is established and widespread implementation of Nurse-Family Partnership begins.


RAND Corporation found that “every dollar invested in Nurse-Family Partnership returns $5.70, providing an estimated net benefit to society of more than $56,000 for each high-risk family served in current dollars”


Nurse-Family Partnership championed the effort to create dedicated federal funding for evidence-based home visiting.


National network launched to mobilize advocacy; to date, has over 7,200 participants.


Nurse-Family Partnership launched the first Pay for Success project—an innovative financing mechanism for proven programs—focused on maternal and child health in the world.


Nurse-Family Partnership launched ambitious plan to double its reach and impact nationally, propelled by a sense of urgency to create change for vulnerable families.


Goal Mama, an app for moms and nurses, launched in partnership with Hopelab and Ayogo.